Click the image to start the Machine
Click question-marks to generate objects.
‘From the Configurable Catalogue of Objects #1’ was inspired by the song ‘Catalogue of 15 objects and their Titles’ from the album Kew.Rhone and by discussions at Amateur Enterprises concerning machines that could generate objects and test their numinosity.
The first in a projected series of ‘From the Catalogue’, this version can manufacture 50625 different object combinations from a configuration of two connected objects and their respective materials.
The catalogue makes simple decisions concerning the relationships between objects and their descriptions during object generation: a controlled randomness.
The current version (v1.2) of The Catalogue also makes use of an engine (The Poetry Engine) that uses a limited ‘world’ model to inform the catalogue’s process of interpretation in it’s generation of the object titles.
Software Archaeology: The Configurable Catalogue of Objects Version History
v2.0 Feb 23 2015. Re-coded in Javascript.
v1.3 April 30 2001. Original intended design finished.
v1.2 March 19 2000. Fixed generator display bug.
v1.1 October 26 1999. Added titling engine. See v1.2
v1.0 October 18, 1999 Basic version (v0.6). release with first interface.
v0.4 September, 1999. One of a number of prototypes.
Object mk2.1 January, 1999. Interface experiment.